Training Courses

Advanced Working Papers

6431 Caseware WorkingPapers Colour Level:  Advanced
Duration:  8 hours


The course includes advance features of Caseware Working Papers such as Protection, Consolidation, History, advanced Copy template etc. For more details please see attached course agenda.


  1. Create a new Working Papers File
  2. Copy Template
  3. Issues
  4. Smart Sync use and capabilities
  5. Consolidations and Combinations
  6. Year End Close
  7. Protection Set Up
  8. Lock Down
  9. History
  10. File Backup and Document Distribution



The focus of this course is on Caseware Working Papers. It is aimed for existing users and assumes some basic understanding of Working Papers. This course also includes hands on examples to enhance understanding of the various concepts.


Completion of Caseware Working Papers and the Financial Statements Template training course

Request Form

Training Course Request Form

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